Lesson:  Family affairs

Task 1,2,3,4,5

Task 1:

Write down as many family members as possible in 2 minutes.


Task 2: Describe what you see in this picture:

Task 3:  Draw a picture of your family tree

Task 4:

Use the worksheet. Have a look at the video and answer all the questions in our notebook.

Worksheet Family Affairs
PDF – 863,6 KB 345 downloads

Task 5:  Writing

Write an essay of 200 words about your family.

In this family members writing task you need to write about different topics. Use full sentences and construct several paragraphs. The more you write the better you will get a using the vocabulary. When you have finished writing about the first topic you need to show it to your teacher.

- How big is your family?

- Who do you like best?

- Do you all look the same?

- How often do you seen them?

- What do you like to do together?

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