Project 1: Me, myself and I


This year you are going to do 3 projects for English. You will get a mark for them as well. Sometimes you work alone and sometimes you work in a group.  The first project is all about you! You are going to make a newspaper about yourself in English.


What do you have to do?

Step 1:

  • First think of at least 6 different topics about yourself. Here are a few examples.
    • Family
    • Hobbies
    • Friends
    • Summer holiday
    • Likes/Dislikes
    • Favourite games/books/apps etc.
    • Food
    • Future

Step 2:

  • Take out your notebook a piece of paper and start writing. You can start in Dutch and translate or start in English.
  • Each topic has to consist of at least 40 words .

Step 3:

  • Use a dictionary or the internet to check your spelling/grammar.

Step 4:

  • Ask your teacher for a piece of paper.

Step 5:

  • Create your text. Use word and print it, or write it on your paper.

Step 6

  • Include at least 3 pictures or photos where you can

Step 7:

  • Hand in your newspaper page.  Printed and digitally


You will get two lessons to finish the lesson. Then you have one more week to finish your poster at home.

We will tell you the exact date when you have to hand it in.



Look at these useful tips:





Beoordeling / What will we grade you on?

Beoordeling Project Newspaper K GT 2
PDF – 94,2 KB 149 downloads

Bonus + or -:

During the lessons we will check you. You can earn an extra point + 1, or lose one -1.

This is what we want you to do:

- Talk quietly, Don't talk too loud.

-Work on your project, Don't disturb other people.

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