Lesson: Body parts

Task 1,2 , 3, 4

Task 1a) : Have a look at these words.

teeth - head - neck - ear - chin - mouth -

eye - nose - tongue - face - cheeck - hair

Task 1B) Match the words with these pictures: So write the words in the correct order

Task 2: Listening:

Do the listening task. Write the answers down in your notebook



Task 4: Answers these questions in your notebook. Look on the internet if you don't know the answers.


1.‘Pictures’ of broken bones are produced using these

2.Which bones protect the heart and lungs?

3.Which is the longest single bone in the body?

4.What are the main ‘jobs’ of the skeleton?

5.Describe what bones are like. (give 2 properties)

6.Which mineral is needed in the diet for strong bones?

7.What is the other name for the backbone?

8.Which bone protects the brain?

9.What is a ‘gap’ between bones called?

10.Name 2 foods which are good for bones.

11.What do we call animals that have inside skeletons?

12.Which of these have an inside skeleton - crab, man, cow, turkey?

13.Which of these do not have an inside skeleton -, pig, worm, snail?

14.What is the name of the joint in the middle of the arm?

15.As well as bones and joints – what else is needed for movement?

16.What do we call animals that do not have inside skeletons?

17.What is the name of the joint in the middle of the leg?

18.Muscles work in pairs, when one contracts what does the other do?

19.Name any muscles in the upper arm?

20.What happens to a muscle when it contracts?

21.What is the name of the joint between the arm and the hand?

22.What happens to your breathing when you exercise?

23.Which organ pumps blood round the body?

24.Name 2 good places to take you pulse rate.

25.Which organs are found in the chest, protected by the ribs?

26.What is the heart made from?

27.Which organs take in oxygen from the air?

28.What are protein foods used for?

29.What happens to your heart beat when you exercise?

30.What is the name of the joint between the leg and the foot?

Task 5: Open the worksheet

Write the answers in your notebook

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