U3 Australia

Task 1


Watch the videos and answer the questions below.



Video quiz questions

1) Where is Australia ?

  • In the Pacific Ocean.
  • In the Atlantic Ocean.
  • In the Mediterranean ocean.


Fill the gap: I can see the ________________________ flag

3) In the background, there is ...

  • a man and a woman.
  • the Sydney opera.

4) In the foreground, there is ...

  • a man and a woman.
  • Sydney Opera.

5) What are the men doing ?

  • They are swimming.
  • They are surfing.
  • They are resting.

6) What are they doing ?

  • They are running on a bridge.
  • They are resting on a bridge.
  • They are climbing on a bridge.

7) The woman looks ... (More than one right answer)

  • sad.
  • happy.
  • excited.
  • upset.

8) What can you do in this place ? (More than one right answer)

  • Watch a movie.
  • Eat lunch.
  • Watch a show.
  • Listen to some music.

9) What can you hear ?

Answer the question using your own words

10) What can you see ?

  • An Aborigine is playing the trumpet.
  • An African is playing the Didgeridoo.
  • An Aborigine is playing the didgeridoo.
  • An African is playing the trumpet.

11) What are they doing ?

  • They are taking a plane.
  • They are taking a train.
  • They are taking a boat.


Put the words in order:very are quickly going They down

13) What are they doing ?

  • They are taking a train.
  • They are taking a plane.
  • They are taking a boat.

14) What are they doing ?

  • They are drinking red wine.
  • They are eating lunch.
  • They are resting.

15) What are they doing ?

  • They are eating lunch.
  • They are eating cheese.
  • They are drinking wine.

16) Where are they ?

Fill the gap: They are in a ________________________

17) In the background, I can see ...

  • a giraffe.
  • a woman.

18) What is special about this restaurant ?

  • It is very expensive.
  • It is very high.



Video quiz questions


Fill the gap: Australia is known as the land ________________________

2) Many snakes live in Australia, among which

Fill the gap: 10 of the most ________________________

3) So when you are an Australia, you have to be careful...

Fill the gap: where you put your ________________________

4) How is the middle region of Australia?

Fill the gap: Very hot and ________________________


Put the words in order:much the There is happening outback. in never

6) The crocodiles living in Australia

Fill the gap: are very ________________________ animals


Put the words in order:drink hardly Koalas ever water.

8) Why is that?

  • Because they don't need water.
  • Because they get their water from another source.

9) What is this Australian sport called?

  • Skateball.
  • Vetball.
  • Netball.

10) What sport does netball look like?

Fill the gap: It looks like ________________________


Put the words in order:are than less Australia, In kangaroos. numerous inhabitants

12) The emu is...

  • the largest bird in the world.
  • the largest bird in Australia.


Put the words in order:The emu bit miles ostrich very it run is an a can fast per like (40 hour). and

14) Which is faster?

  • The ostrich.
  • The emu.


Task 2


Donwload the worksheet. Write the answers in your notebook.


Australia Crosswords Reading Comprehension Exercises 43585
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